March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
One in three working-age Americans has a criminal record — that’s more than 70 million people. 在这些人偿还了他们对社会的债务并试图重新进入劳动力市场之后, they face challenges that often leave them unemployed or underpaid, which costs the economy between $78 and $87 billion every year.
给这群人第二次机会可能带来的好处远远超出了个人和他们的家庭. 获得有意义的就业机会可以产生广泛的影响,并有助于加强社区和更广泛的美国经济.
But for many people with criminal records, 重新进入职场有一些障碍:歧视性的雇佣行为, regulatory hurdles, 一个复杂的系统使得清除犯罪记录变得极其困难和昂贵. When filling out an application, 这些人通常需要在一个方框里打勾,以披露他们的犯罪记录, which can automatically disqualify them from certain jobs. A year after leaving prison, almost half are still unemployed而那些找到工作的人往往比同龄人挣得少得多. “我们发现,与一般人群相比,在监狱服刑的时间使人们处于一种永久性的不同和较低的收入轨道上,” says Ames Grawert, Brennan Center Lawyer. “The same held true for lower-level criminal records. 即使是轻罪的定罪也会使一个人的年收入减少大约 15 percent.”
JPMorgan Chase, through their PolicyCenter, 致力于推动联邦和州的政策变化,以帮助消除经济机会的障碍,并为有犯罪背景的人提供机会,一旦他们向社会付出了代价,就可以摆脱他们的错误.
第二次机会改革的重点是帮助有犯罪记录的个人重返工作岗位——从公平招聘开始. 例如,求职者通常需要在工作申请中勾选一个复选框,以披露犯罪记录. 12bet官方通过“禁止输入框”,并没有要求提供这些信息. “重要的是让他们得到公平的机会,让他们的技能和才能为他们说话,” says Michelle Kuranty, Executive Director, New Joiner Experience, JPMorgan Chase. And the results are telling: over the last three years, 10 percent of JPMorgan Chase’s new hires in the U.S. (over 4,600人(2022年))都有犯罪背景,而这些犯罪背景与他们被雇佣来扮演的角色无关.
“我们有太多的人处于观望状态,因为他们有某种犯罪记录,使他们无法进入工作岗位, find stable housing, or even get an education that will help them get a better job,” says Nan Gibson, Executive Director PolicyCenter, JPMorgan Chase. “我们已经改变了自己的商业惯例,将雇佣有犯罪记录的人作为我们包容性招聘策略的一部分.” By providing these individuals with competitive wages, benefits, and career pathways, their finances improve, 他们能够为美国经济的整体活力做出贡献.
Clean Slate Efforts
“清白法案”建立了自动封存或清除合格犯罪记录的框架, opening opportunities for more people to enter the workforce. 12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)正在将其更具包容性的招聘做法与Clean Slate立法的政策改革结合起来.
“我们需要改变公共政策,为全国人民和社区带来系统性的变化,” says Gibson. “每个州都有自己的封存或删除记录的程序. In a state without Clean Slate legislation, an individual would have to hire a lawyer, petition a court, and wait for the court to get back to them about their decision.”
This process is expensive and can take months or years. 自动清除记录的法律可以让人们更快地找到更好的工作 one study found that average earnings increased by 20 percent over two years for people whose records were cleared. And when more than 70 million Americans 是否有记录表明包含自动化的系统是有效处理积压工作的唯一途径.
Looking Ahead
12bet官方是“第二次机会商业联盟”的创始成员之一, 哪些公司与超过45家公司合作,通过推进政策和改变招聘惯例来创造一个公平的未来.
“Everybody plays a role,” says Gibson. “I often say policy is a team sport. 我们需要在场的所有参与者发挥各自的作用,以便能够有效地推进政策, 我们所有的队员都出色地发挥了各自的位置.”
JPMorgan Chase launched a pilot expungement clinic in Chicago in 2022. 社区的参与和积极反应表明了地方行动的愿望, 该公司将删除诊所扩展到哥伦布的社区分支机构, Chicago and Wilmington.
“现在,我们正在复制这一模式,并将其扩展到其他社区,”吉布森说. “当三分之一处于工作年龄的美国人有某种犯罪记录, 我们都知道有人受到了刑事司法系统的影响——我们需要能够创造一个新的系统,让人们以一种合理的方式获得第二次机会.”
Learn more about the JPMorgan Chase Second Chance efforts.
Learn more about the JPMorgan Chase PolicyCenter.